Country Overview

We created an overview sorted per country of origin of the magazine

Australia		27 magazine covers
Austria			4 magazine cover
Belgium		3 magazine cover
Canada		17 magazine covers
Chile			5 magazine covers
Finland		4 magazine covers
France			28 magazine covers
Germany		54 magazine covers
Greece		10 magazine covers
Hungary	 	5 magazine covers
Italy			3 magazine cover
Israel			2 magazine cover
Mexico			2 magazine covers
Netherlands		15 magazine covers
New Zealand		1 magazine cover
Poland			5 magazine covers
Portugal		1 magazine cover
Spain			5 magazine covers
Sweden		7 magazine covers
Swiss			1 magazine cover
Turkey			19 magazine cover
UK			35 magazine covers
USA			109 magazine covers

You see most of the magazines come from The States. Allthough we have them from 22 countries, we suspect she would have been on magazine covers in about 100 countires, rather than just 20! There must be multitudinal covers we don't know about, especially from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America, as well as lots in Europe and the States, etc.

So please help us to complete our collection and mail us at

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